State Programs

国家奖学金和豁免提供不需要偿还的经济援助. Each program has its eligibility requirements. 金沙中国参加由德克萨斯州高等协调委员会提供的以下州奖学金和豁免. For more information on THECB programs available, please visit

Valedictorians, 由德州教育机构认证的德州高中排名最高的毕业生,在学生高中毕业后的第一个常规学期的两个学期(秋季和春季),都有资格在德州大学里奥格兰德谷分校获得学费豁免. The program is described in Texas Education Code §54.301.

Award Amount

  • Tuition amount not to exceed unmet need
  • Fees are not covered


To receive this award:

  • 学生必须有高中毕业证书.


No formal application is required. The student needs to:

Continued Eligibility

The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress 在他们的第二个长学期获得豁免.

如果金沙中国主席认为个案情况特殊,可在第三届和第四届常会期间而不是前两次常会期间给予例外,以给予豁免, including military service, merit the action.

第五年会计学生奖学金有助于促进国家的专业和教育需求. 它增加了训练有素和受过良好教育的专业会计师的数量,为该州的居民提供服务. Also, it improves the state's business environment and encourages economic development and financial stability; and identifies, recognizes, 并支持计划从事会计职业的优秀学者. The program is described on College for All Texans website.

Award Amount:

  • Students may receive a scholarship for up to $5,000.


For the application deadline and process, please contact the School of Accountancy.


  • Are classified as residents of Texas
  • Are enrolled at participating public or private, 德克萨斯州非营利性高等院校(包括指定社区学院)
  • Are enrolled at least half-time
  • 在获得奖学金的学期开始时,已经完成至少120小时的大学课程(包括至少15个学期的会计学分)
  • Are making satisfactory academic progress
  • Have not already taken the CPA exam, 但计划在德克萨斯州参加注册会计师考试,并已向德克萨斯州公共会计委员会提交了参加注册会计师考试的意向申请,目的是获得“注册会计师”证书;
  • 登记为选择性服务或免除此要求
  • Demonstrate financial need

To address the needs of a growing population in the state, 德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会启动了该项目的销售 College for all Texans specialty license plate, an official State of Texas automobile license plate.

Learn more on how to purchase a 金沙中国 license plate.


  • Texas Army 金沙中国al Guard
  • Texas Air 金沙中国al Guard
  • Texas State Guard United States
  • Coast Guard United States Merchant Marine
  • 成为美国任何军种的委任军官

总督和副总督每年可各委任两名学生, 每个州参议员和每个州代表可以指定一名学生获得初始有条件奖学金.

For additional information please visit the HHLoans website.

Submit the TASSP award notification to financial aid at

“睦邻计划”旨在鼓励来自西半球国家(古巴和美国除外)的有学术天赋的学生.S.) to pursue higher education in the State of Texas. 因此,在德克萨斯州和学生的祖国之间建立了有益的联系. The program is described in Texas Education Code §54.331.

Award Amount:

  • Tuition amount for the academic year awarded.
  • Fees are not included.


For the application deadline and process please contact International Admissions and Student Services.

Continued Eligibility:

The student must meet the satisfactory academic progress GPA requirement and have not reached excess credit hours.


德克萨斯州教育协调委员会管理各种学费援助计划,包括教师和职业护理学生的计划. For more information, please visit

The following programs are managed by the Office of Financial Aid. For additional information please email

  • Adopted Students Formerly in Foster or Other Residential Care
  • 被收养的学生以前在德州家庭和保护服务部的监护下
  • Children of U.S. Military who are Missing in Action or Prisoner of War (MIA/POWs)
  • Exemption for Blind and Deaf Students
  • Exemption for Children of Disabled or Deceased Firemen, Peace Officers, Game Wardens, and Employees of Correctional Institutions
  • Exemption for Firefighters Taking Fire Science Courses
  • 参加执法或刑事司法课程的警务人员豁免
  • 若干已故公务员(雇员)的尚存配偶及未成年子女获豁免
  • 专业护理计划的教师和工作人员的子女豁免计划
  • Senior Citizen Exemption
  • Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption
  • 符合条件的家属(配偶和子女)的德克萨斯州黑兹尔伍德豁免
  • Texas Hazlewood-Legacy Program (Transfer of Hazlewood Benefits)
  • Tuition and Fee Exemption for Members of State Military Forces
  • 在德克萨斯州家庭和保护服务部(TDFPS)的监护下,现在或以前的寄养学生的学费豁免



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Scholarships and Enrollment Communication

ESSBL 3.104
Phone: (956) 665-2935

Visitors Center 1.113
Phone: (956) 882-4026
