
这个非学术课程向参与者介绍通用数据分析技术, 工具, and processes used to facilitate cross-functional and informed decision-making.

Participants will learn to safeguard data quality and integrity, produce descriptive statistics, 可视化数据, and conduct predictive and inferential analyses. 参与者将获得使用微软Excel清理、创建、可视化和分析数据的技能.

数据分析课程包括15小时的课堂教学和讲师指导的实践, 同时还有一个顶点项目,参与者将整合和应用所学的数据分析技能.


  • 评估不同统计技术的有用性及其在现实世界中的应用
  • Learn to use predictive and inferential 工具 to improve decision-making
  • Identify methods for ensuring data quality and their impact on decision-making
  • Describe various forecasting techniques and their benefits and limitations
  • 确定描述性统计的基本概念(总体和样本), measures of central tendency, measures of variability, measures of distribution), and their real-world application
  • Explain data management techniques including transforming data, 记录数据, and handling missing data

本课程专为对现实世界的工具和技术感兴趣的学习者设计,以捕获有意义的数据并将其转化为组织的有价值的信息. This is especially suited for managers, 决策者, 以及在组织中担任数据分析或商业智能角色的专业人士.

注意: PEWD program participants should be 18 years or older.

This program requires a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel.

Dr. 爱德华多小米

Dr. 爱德华多小米 is passionate about strategy, 创新, 创建新企业, and social entrepreneurship. He has taught at The State University of New York at New Paltz, Southeast Missouri State University, and 芝加哥大学 德州 Rio Grande Valley. Dr. 米勒在德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷分校获得工商管理博士学位, and holds a master’s in Urban and Regional Planning and a B.A in Economics from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Millet has a balanced background of industry and academic experience. 他曾在麦卡伦商会工作,在那里他开发了一种创新的创业发展方法. Originally from Mexico, Dr. Millet moved to McAllen, 德州, 在那里他担任了五年的尤卡坦州政府机构发展主任, 并在一家全国性电信公司担任了三年的商业情报总监.

注意: 如果你正在申请继续教育私人贷款来支付非学分继续教育项目的注册费, then please use the 金沙中国 继续教育 School Code: 003599. 您在申请中注明的贷款金额不能超过我们网站上注明的公开招生费用. Books will NOT be included in the loan amount. The minimum for the loans must be $500.00. Some service charges may apply.

*The only loan provider PEWD accepts is 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)*

请电子邮件 pewd@mofangziyuan.com once you have been approved so we may certify your loan.



Submit a required written request via email 三个工作日 before the program start date. Weekends are not considered. Partial refunds are not allowed.


The Data Analytics course through 金沙中国 Continuing Ed. 来得正是时候. 新冠肺炎后,由于失业保险索赔破纪录,我在劳动力 Solutions公司处理了数百万行数据. 米勒教授教给我更简单的方法来整理大量的数据,这使我当时所做的工作变得更容易、更有效率. The format of the class worked out great with my work schedule. 我继续使用我在劳动力 Solutions担任绩效分析师的新职位中学到的工具.

- Aaron Gonzalez, Performance Analyst


在本次会议上, 参与者将讨论数据分析在做出明智决策中的重要性,并探索顶点/案例研究练习. 参与者将获得数据分析概念、数据类型和数据上下文的一般知识.

• Describe the information value chain
• Discuss the importance of data context and relevance to business processes
• Define common data types
• Define basic statistical terms

在本次会议上, 参与者将学习如何使用微软Excel等工具进行数据收集, 处理, 和分析. 参与者将学习和练习如何清理数据库,以及如何进行有意义的分类和过滤,以促进知情决策.

• Describe different decision-making models and 工具
• Describe the process steps of data analytics and the 工具 used in each step
• Describe methods to ensure the quality of data
• Explain data management techniques including transforming data, 记录数据, and handling missing data

在本次会议上, 参与者将学习如何使用数据透视表和图表来可视化和呈现决策数据. 参与者将学习如何使用Microsoft Excel进行描述性统计, 总结数据, and create histograms for frequency analysis.

• Describe how statistics are used in different settings
• 应用 fundamental statistics to real-world scenarios
• Use statistics for decision making

在本次会议上, 参与者将学习如何使用数据分析工具进行预测和推理分析. 参与者将学习如何使用Microsoft Excel进行相关系数等统计分析来确定变量之间的关系,以及如何使用简单的线性回归来确定观察变量的预期变化.

At the end of this session, 参与者将收到一份必须在下一堂课之前完成的项目作业.

• Describe various forecasting techniques and types of regression analysis

In this closing session, participants will explore how organizations use measures, 指标, and indicators to prioritize performance goals. 将介绍创建关键绩效指标(KPI)的各种技术.


• Define measures, 指标, and indicators
• Describe the purpose and use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
• Determine the best ways to communicate information with specific audiences

Edinburg Course Information

Registration Deadline:

October 23 - November 20, 2024

星期三:下午6点.m - 9 p.m



Dr. 爱德华多小米

$ 599


Students requiring accommodation should contact our office pewd@mofangziyuan.com to learn about the process.


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